
Building brand through campaign

SS19 — Launch Campaign

Mastani is a boutique Melbourne fashion label, created in celebration of the strength and beauty of modern women. With an ideology that embraces the founder’s Indian heritage and progressive aesthetic, Ortolan collaborated with New York-based photographer Will Davidson, to shoot the launch campaign in Jaipur, India.

Our creative brief was to express feminine strength within a narrative that connected place and product. Davidson’s ability to capture power and beauty simultaneously, and the cinematic quality of his work were critical elements to achieving this. Shooting in a 475-year-old year old palace with only natural light, a world-class crew and talent, launched the brand with a strong message of heritage, modernity, strength and beauty.

AW19 Campaign

Mastani’s Winter collection saw a new set of textures and forms enter the range. On location,
we continued into a world where the collection felt born of the environment — structural, tactile
and tonal. Sitting along side these images, a studio component brought focus to the unique and contrasting characteristics of the collection.

Location photography by Nicole Bentley.

Studio photography by Tracey Lee-Hayes.